Science MarketplaceScience Marketplace is an online marketplace for scientists and students of all fields, aimed to facilitate interactions between anyone working in scientific research.
I think I am safe in saying that we are all now alert to the need to be more environmentally aware. The world's population has increased hugely in recent years. We are now met with statistics such as the fact that of the estimated 110 billion humans who have ever lived around 6% of these are alive today.In 1900 the world's population was around 1.6 billion, while today it is not far off the 7 billion mark, putting an enormous demand on the planet's natural resources and causing more pollution then in the past. Of course, figures like this can make a few tweaks to our home and a few changes to our habits seem entirely insignificant. However, change has to start somewhere and below you will find a few ideas to make your home that little bit greener.1) Solar panels. It is a wonderful solution to get cheap, reliable and green energy for your house. You might think that the UK's climate hinders the efficiency of solar power panels but modern designs work perfectly well even on grey, cloudy days. The current range of solar panels offer all sort of sizes and shapes and some even let you sell the excess energy produced to the National Grid.2) A greenhouse. It is a cheap and environmentally friendly solution to grow your own vegetables. builders in burnley area needn't be expensive to build. In case you have children what better, and much more fun, way to show them the significance of eating healthy, locally produced vegetables. If you don't much about gardening then a search through the web provides you with all the information and tips you could possibly need.3) Composting toilet. This may be seen as being too hard core for a lot of people, but an instant look at a few websites will highlight that modern options are clean, safe and virtually free of maintenance. This is a particularly good option for people who live in the countryside.There are lots more ideas out there which are easily researchable. I just wanted to give you a few hints and make clear that the changing technology is making things such as solar power and composting toilets easier and cheaper to utilize than ever before. Once you have decided what changes you intend to make to your house another good idea to find a local builder online.